In this mini course, we'll learn how to create a simple Python tool to segment selected joint chains. We'll also learn how to use an object's DAG path to avoid name-clash errors.
from maya import cmds
Joint Segment Tool
Instructions: select root(s) of joint chain(s) and run script...
#Store selected root joints in variable "sel_jt"
sel_jt =, type='joint')
#Var for segment length
count = 9
#Var for joint radius offset value
rad_offset = 0.5
#Iterate through each root joint in selection and do the following...
for each_jt in sel_jt:
#Print each selected joint
#Find the end joint of the selected root(s)
end_jt = cmds.listRelatives(each_jt, c=True)[0]
#Find path to end joint
end_jt_path = each_jt + '|' + end_jt
#Store length of chain
end_offset = cmds.getAttr(end_jt_path + '.tx')
#Var used for the new radius val of each new joint
rad = cmds.getAttr(each_jt + '.radius') - rad_offset
#Force selection of each root joint to create the root of segmented chain, r=True)
#Create root of segmented chain
seg_root = cmds.joint(radius=rad)
#Force selection of segment root to append segmented chain, r=True)
#Add joints to segment tool based on value stored in "count" var
for i in range(count):
#Create a hierarchy of new segment joints
seg_jt = cmds.joint(radius=rad)
#Offset segment joints evenly along chain length
cmds.move((end_offset/count), 0, 0, ls=True)